Data, Startups, Gaming

“Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle of a freeway.” — Geoffrey Moore

Airbnb Listings & Pricing

Navigating through Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and Toronto, I sought to compare the allure of hotels with the allure of Airbnb. Does the global sharing economy truly deliver an unmatched stay?

Analyzing the Titanic

Over the weekend, I watched the movie Titanic and was once again reminded of the harrowing tragedy that unfolded over a century ago. As a data analyst, I couldnt help but wonder: what insights could we gain from the available data about the passengers on board?

Global Vaccine Tracker - Tableau

More than two years after the outbreak of the pandemic, the world continues to grapple with Covid-19. As a result of this, it's important to stay informed and educated about the latest developments. One of the key ways to curb its spread has been through vaccination. As countries around the world are currently using the vaccine for this purpose, I decided to take a deep dive into vaccine usage around the world, as well as trends that affect this. In this article, we'll take a look at the global usage of the Covid-19 vaccine using open source data

Global Agricultural Data

This is a detailed viz on agricultural data and performances for all countries and regions from 1960 - 2021

Olympic Games Analysis (Power-Bi)

This is a case study on data from the Olympic Games. This case study focuses on competitors from different countries and their historical performances.

Business Analysis (SQL & Power-Bi)

This is a detailed business overview that shows the company's metrics, used to improve sales and customer satisfaction

Analysis on Global Data Science Salaries

Starting out on a career in data science was exciting, but left me with a load of questions. This case study focuses on this, as we use data to come to accurate conclusions. Here we look into the top earners by job title across data science, and correlate it with company size, experience level, company location, etc.

Video Game Sales Analysis with Python

This is a case study that focuses on the analysis of video game sales over a period, taking into account the volume of sales by titles, publishers, regions, etc. The objective of this study is to discover trends in video game sales with respect to genre, publishers & region.

Cyclistic Bike Shares Case Study

This case study is for Cyclistic, a bike share company in Chicago. Working as a junior data analyst with the rest of the team, its my responsibility to use insights taken from my analysis to communicate the steps that must be put in place to acquire more yearly subscribers to the company.


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